Thursday, December 16, 2010


I have searched recently for insurance, Wow what a difference in pricing, I must of received 20 different quotes, the 6 month quotes ranged from $125-1000 that's a big stretch.So I did find a place that was however average across the board, Auto Insurance Select was the most accurate and seemed right, they have Progressive, Allstate and Allied , plus a few others they run you with for the best quote! I personally ended up with Allied for all my insurance, they seemed to be the best for me and my property. Now when your looking for insurance remember full coverage isn't much more expensive, just because you don't have a loan on your vehicle doesn't mean you don't need the full coverage, think of this, some one hits you ,they don't have insurance, are they fixing your car. No, they are not. So full coverage on your auto is smart, unless of course its worth so little it makes no sense . Allstate has that disappearing deductible I like that idea, but allied beat them on my total cost. Also you can get roadside assistance and glass.I didn't have glass for dollars a month in cost and i had to pay for my new windshield when it broke, so maybe check into that too. Plus its good to re-look at your insurance once a year to make sure you getting the best rate.Happy Motoring my friends

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